
Introduction and About Our Site

Since I just started this blog, I'd like to briefly introduct myself before I make my first post. My name is Brian, and I run www.marriage-proposal-ideas.com along with my wife, Julia, where we have a free marriage proposal ideas guide that covers over 100 marriage proposal ideas, and each idea is not only followed by a detailed explanation of how to pull it off and personalize it, but also by the opinion of a man and a woman for each idea. We made it so that each idea can easily be combined with others or your current idea to make for a completely unique proposal.

Our hope is to solve your every need before you propose -- from helping you with your marriage proposal ideas to helping you pick out the perfect ring. We feel overjoyed everytime we're able to help someone in either of these areas. I'm also a diamond consultant. Although I don't sell any diamonds myself, I try to set up special deals through as many of the top jewelry sites as possible and try to help people select high quality diamonds for less. It's amazing how easy it is to save someone hundreds to thousands of dollars and have them still walking away with a better diamond!

I hope you join us as we provide you with advice on everything you need to know before you propose.

Visit us to check out our free marriage proposal ideas and diamond buying advice or e-mail me at brian@marriage-proposal-ideas.com. You can also check out our latest promotions, coupons, and discounts for the top diamond / jewelry sites at our diamond discounts page.

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